Shoutbox History
daniel_gagnon says: hey everyone
Nick says: 8)
Gazkam says: Back again!?  ;D
Nick says: Oh sweet :P
Gazkam says: Nice row. Much easier to read Nick!  8)
rowbolger says: just bought a pre-paid visa, takes 24 hours to activate tho
Nick says: Fixed!
Gazkam says: Time stamps clutter, necessary?  :D
Nick says: Yeah, this SMF core is pretty outdated. :(
Gazkam says: Sounds like a poor setup  :P
Nick says: Was trying to clear all previous entries, but there's like 100 I'd have to remove 1 by 1, so yeah... Forget that.  ;D
Nick says: Re-opened the shoutbox!
Gazkam says: I'd rather be playing Minecraft
Nick says: Thank you! :)
Gazkam says: Adblock for Chrome, Sweet banner  ;D
Gazkam says: I can see it on my phone but not my laptop
Nick says: New banner I spent 2 hours making. :P
Nick says: Lag should be gone.
Gazkam says: Tell him to get his butt in game once its fixed  ;D
Ellunas says: Same. Nick's checking it out.
Gazkam says: Anyone else get kicked from server ? Now I can't connect lol
rowbolger says: if anyone would care to read my "rowbolger V alpha debacle" post that would be helpful! thanks
Gazkam says: oo, I didn't see it, going good today!  8)
david22429 says: Not even a single "hello" back? :c
Gazkam says: Everyone please check  the Request forum under beardedcraft discussion.
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