Author Topic: To all people posting.  (Read 456 times)

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Offline lumpyjor5808

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To all people posting.
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:36:56 pm »
I don't know if its just people not paying attention to post dates, or if players are competing for top post ranks (Which I endorse fully)

But here is the problem: I've noticed a lot of OLD threads being brought back to life by people randomly posting on them.

While I start locking these. I do have to ask people this:

STOP digging up old threads that were posted 1+ months ago. They are technically dead threads, and they are probably outdated in the information they provide.

While I and all the other staff are happy with people posting here. Its not a competition, post reasonably on ACTIVE posts and let the old ones wither away.

Just for some clarity on what threads are okay to bring back

Examples of threads that can be brought back"
"1,000 ways to kill a mosquito"
"The Word Game"

Threads that shouldn't be brought back:
Any thread 1 month old involving a violation
Threads that have information that is now considered out-dated (Such as my magma city thread, as everyone knows about it now)

Thank you and this has been an announcement by lumpy!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 04:53:05 pm by lumpyjor5808 »

No need to be upset.

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