Forum > Forum Support

New name poll broken

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For some reason the poll is broken for me. Attaching screenshots to demonstrate.

What I see while logged in.

What I see while NOT logged in.

I have no idea why that would happen tbh, you seem to have all the necessary permissions, no bans or anything like that (as far as I can tell). I'll see with another donator (when there's one around) if it's related to the rank, which it shouldn't. If you have any idea why that could happen (is there a reason why admins could've blocked you from using polls?), tell me and I'll take a closer look, but as far as I can tell, everything should be set up right.

Have you tried using a different browser?

Same result in Firefox and Chrome.
To my knowledge I have never even participated in a poll on the forms previously so I don't believe it would be that sort of issue.
Really in general I think I may have 50 posts/reply's on the forums in general over how many years now, so I sincerely doubt I did anything to warrant a limitation on my account.

Hi Porter,

Would you mind trying again for me, sir  ;D?

Years ago, I set board-specific permissions where within only the Announcements board could the original poster (staff perms) post and engage in any activity within any of the three sub-forums leaving for any feedback of the updates and discussions outside the board.

Side-note: On the tech side, Guests have access to only view polls whilst our Default group (Regular Members) have access to View AND Vote. Donators were written as a separate group without any inheritance with the same permission(s), now!

The issue should now be fixed; apologies for any inconvenience! Should it persist, I will continue to dig deeper.


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